Just Cancel Out that “Bad” Stuff, Unless…

If I have a thought that I judge to be “negative”, I’ll just cancel that out and replace it with a “positive” thought. Sounds great, right? Well, it is a good idea in some cases and not so good in others. First of all, be careful about what you judge to be negative or positive. That old Buddhist farmer is in my ear again, saying, “I don’t know if it’s good or bad”. And that’s just it. What I judge to be bad could be good, if it is observed and contemplated a little longer. It might be helpful in some way. All of our thoughts are worth our attention, although most can probably be discarded. Just don’t cancel out or discard a thought, because it pushes your buttons. Those might be the most important ones.

Sometimes you might be receiving a message from your higher guidance and it might be something your lower self doesn’t want to look at. Or you may be hearing thoughts coming from some source outside of your self. If you focus on the thought, you may be able to tell if it’s yours or not. Then you can decide what to do with it.

I have recently been feeling pretty tired a good part of the time and I finally decided to not give the “I’m tired” thoughts any more attention. I decided to replace the “I’m tired” with “I have more energy than I know what to do with”. Now, I still need to be careful, because my body may just be telling me that I need to rest more. So, while replacing the “I’m tired” is a good idea, I can also rest if that seems appropriate.

The moral of the story is to be aware of your thoughts without judgement. That way, you can be more open and patient with yourself and all those strange thoughts that bounce around in your head.